Celebrating Young Achievers
Rules and Requirements
No individual may be nominated for more than one award on substantially the same basis. Forty under 40 Awards will discard entries for multiple awards which broadly replicate other entries.
We reserve the right to move an entry to a different category from the category entered if the entry is better suited to that category.
In the event that there are no or few qualified nominations in a particular category, Forty under 40 Awards reserves the right NOT to select a winner in that category.
All nominations must be submitted using the Online Nomination Process. Nominations and supporting materials must be received before the stipulated date by the Jury. Extensions to this date will be granted if the need be.
Nominations may be submitted either directly from the individual, company, or from a third party. In the event that a third party nominates an individual, Forty under 40 Awards will contact the nominated individual and ask the nominee to review the nomination for accuracy and, if necessary, provide any missing documentation. If the individual fails to provide the required response by the specified date, the nomination will be excluded from competition.
All Entries should be accompanied by a high-resolution coloured photograph of the individual nominated.
Supporting material may be required. Should you choose to send additional materials, please ensure they are supportive of the entry made? Supporting materials may include brochures, advertisements, photographs and other documents.
Winners May Not be notified prior to the Forty under 40 Awards event; however all nominations must be accompanied by the name of the person who will be accepting the award if the nominee is selected
Each winner is expected to accept the award on stage at the Awards night
All information submitted through the Online Nomination Process and all supporting materials will be considered confidential and will only be used by Forty under 40 Awards and its panel of judges for the purposes of selecting finalists and winners for the Forty under 40 Awards.
It should be assumed and noted that all events will be filmed for distribution purposes. By attending any of our events, you acknowledge awareness of this statement and release Xodus Communications Limited, its owner, operators, officers, and duly designated representatives operating in either an official or unofficial capacity free from any liability regarding your image, including use and distribution.
Employees and family members of the Sponsor, its agents and representatives, its business partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and dealers are not eligible for nomination.
Nominees can only win in one category except the candidate is additionally Awarded First Among Equals or People’s Choice.
Nominees and their supporters must not lobby the Events Director, Technical Team or Awarding panel.
Entries that are incomplete, lost, stolen, late, delayed, misdirected, illegible, damaged, altered, irregular, destroyed, have been submitted through wrong means, or do not conform to or satisfy conditions of these Official Regulations may be disqualified.
By entering a nomination or confirming the nomination, entrants accept and agree to abide by the Official Regulations and the decisions of the Awarding Board and Sponsor with respect to all aspects of the contest, which are final, binding and conclusive on all matters relative to this Contest. In the event it is determined that an entrant has entered in a fashion not sanctioned by these Official Regulations, the entrant will be disqualified and all of the entries submitted by the entrant will be disqualified. Entries are subject to verification through the judging process.
All entries become the permanent property of the Forty under 40 organizers. Entrants may be contacted occasionally by the organizers via email, unless the entrant notifies the organizers otherwise, for the purpose of informing the entrant of promotional opportunities and follow ups on nominees entries
At any point in the Contest, an entrant may be disqualified at the discretion of the technical Team if the entrant is unable to meet the requirements in a timely manner. This may include being unavailable for interviews or fact checking. Entrants may also be disqualified or Award will be retrieved if it is determined that the nomination form misrepresents the entrant’s achievements in any way.
A nominee can make entry each year but can only win three times in the same or different categories. The nominee cannot file for nominations after winning the third time
The winner of First Among Equals cannot compete again. This is a one-time Award.
Any nominee who wishes to withdraw from the awards must give a 30 days’ notice in writing before the event.
Forty under 40 winners are selected by an independent judging panel or Awarding Board
A Nominee shall purchase a ticket or alternatively make a reservation to attend the Dinner and Awards Night. The nominee shall have an option to be part of the Summit or Tour
Any winner who does not attend the Awards Night Without a considerable notice of 20 days to the organizers shall be fined a penalty before the trophy is presented. The penalty shall not be more than the cost of the ticket
Any winner who is not present at the Awards Night with or without a considerable reason and does not subsequently pick up the trophy within 30 days shall pay 5 times the ticket cost or loose the trophy

To recognize and celebrate 40 emerging leaders under the age of 40 who demonstrate or impact the world personally or professionally through their exceptional leadership.
- To identify projects and individual achievements that have enabled young achievers to be set apart from their competitors, produced clear and compelling value, return of investment, and other relevant results.
- To encourage our up-and-coming youth to excellence and succeed in various industries at a very significant and tender age.